Ecofil can be used in any paving application, providing joints are 5mm wide or greater (at the narrowest point) and a minimum
of 25mm deep. Tapered joints that reduce the dimensions of the finished product below 5mm wide could result in the joints cracking
and spalling.
This practice is not recommended unless the depth of Ecofil when placed exceeds 25mm and the sand is dry and well compacted.
Depending upon porosity and type of paving, Ecofil may temporarily enhance any variations in the colour and texture of the paviour. This will diminish and eventually disappear over a period of time, which will depend upon exposure, weathering and traffic. Note: with the Grey version of Ecofil, it is important to test a small inconspicuous area to ensure that it does not stain light coloured paving.
Ecofil should be placed and finished within 4 hours of opening in normal UK ambient temperature of 15C to 25C. For temperatures greater than 25C, open time will be approx. 2 to 3 hours. Below 15C down to 8C Ecofil could take 36-72 hours for initial cure. (do not apply when temperatures are likely to fall below 5C)
Ecofil is specifically designed to allow water to drain from the paving surface. Ecofil is an aid to permeable paving design, which ensures surrounding plants and vegetation are not deprived of water. Permeable paving allows rain water into the natural water course and is increasingly being specified in order to reduce local flooding.
The distinctive odour could prove problematic during and after interior applications. Also, the porous nature of Ecofil may not be suitable for interior applications
The colour of Ecofil is entirely natural, based on the decorative silicas used. Ecofil will weather naturally in line with the paving. In some applications, natural atmospheric impurities within rainwater can be deposited on the Ecofil surface as the water drains through. This can easily be removed with brushing and/or hosepipe.
Light to moderate rainfall will not harm Ecofil but will delay the final set time. If it rains during application, fresh Ecofil applications should be covered immediately, ensuring protective cover is not in contact with the product and allows a flow of air to assist natural curing. Ecofil can be applied with or without water.
Ecofil is unsuitable for use in permanent immersion applications, but can withstand wet-dry cycles typical of UK weather conditions. We do not recommend Ecofil for swimming pool surrounds.
The use of a proprietary paving sealer or coating over fully-cured Ecofil could result in the joint material becoming water-resistant or waterproof, dependant upon the type and amount of product applied. Boiled linseed oil can also be applied to the joints to harden and improve water resistance.
Highly alkaline cleaning fluids (Soda crystals etc.) can soften and ruin Ecofil joints if applied in a high concentration. We advise to always test a cleaner on Ecofil joints prior to full use.